The map below shows the current “active” postcode communities that are part of the Trade Shack “family”. Each postcode community will have their own community page.
If you are not a member of a postcode community, you will not be able to access the information. The video gives you a “sneak peek” of what a postcode community page looks like.
Joining is FREE. That said, a monthly donation of $2 is appreciated, or buy us a coffee. When you join, make sure you add your postcode so we can map you to your postcode community.
Local exchanges, for food and seeds, are basically physical locations where you barter and exchange. Generally, no money exchanges hands, just swapping really.
Because these Local Exchanges are by local members and generally for the local community only we do not publish them outside their postcode community. They are the local “secret” if you like.
My mate went, “What is the deal with all those colours? It is driving me crazy!”. I had a chuckle as he is most of the times right. So what is it with the colors?
It is a nice touch to have each active postcode community represented in their state colour on the map. This then flows on into each Active Postcode Community Page that is the only reason, just to bring some change into it.
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