An Edible Exchange, a concept that started in Dayboro, is a community-driven initiative that encourages people to share their excess produce and related items with others in the community.

It operates on an honesty system where locals can drop off their surplus items and take what they need, not necessarily during the same visit. The exchange, which can be located on council land but preferably located on private land, helps reduce waste. You are encouraged to share photos of what you left at the exchange on the Facebook group.

The Edible Exchange is intended for free items; non-edible items should be taken elsewhere.

Dayboro Exchange Edible Exchange, this one is a good example.
Edible Exchange or Local Edible Exchange, generally prefixed with the name of the town like Eatons Hill Edible Exchange, supports of War on Waste.

How they operate:

  • Open 24/7, so do not make the mistake some edible exchanges have made by advertising your location on Google.
  • Locals will drop off their excess produce, egg carton, glass jars, bags, pots, plants etc., then take what they would like; this doesn’t necessarily have to happen on the same visit.
  • It’s an honesty system.
  • For some visits, you take lots; for other visits to the edible exchange, you only drop off.
  • Please mention what you took or dropped off and take photos each visit, and upload them to Facebook, so we know what’s available.
  • If there is a name on a product, leave it as someone has left it for a particular person to collect.

What is welcome at the exchange?

  • Any Fresh produce you have grown
  • Or items relating to growing and eating produce, such as
    • Egg cartons
    • Jars
    • Container to store food
    • Plants that produce edible food
    • Seeds that produce edible food
    • Homemade jams, pickles, etc. disclaimer …we do not control or manage the quality of any homemade food and don’t take any responsibility for food left at the exchange
    • Cow Poo

Some basic guidelines

  • If you want to be involved yet have nothing to contribute, help us keep the Edible Exchange tidy.
  • The Facebook group is also a bank of knowledge, so have discussions ask questions, swap food items, and use the exchange as a pickup point.
  • No negative talk; this is a place of community support.
  • Some guidelines on how to start one
Please use the exchange and enjoy.
There is no cost to use the exchange, and it is a place for free items only.
Non-edible items, e.g. kitchen appliances and cookbooks, can be taken to the local tip, where there is an excellent free exchange shed full of treasures.
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Reduces food waste 1. Risk of contamination or food-borne illnesses
2. Fosters a sense of community and support 2. Limited control over quality and safety
3. Encourages local and sustainable food production 3. Potential misuse of the honesty system
4. Promotes sharing and learning among participants 4. Inconsistent availability of items
5. Provides access to free items and resources 5. Requires community engagement and upkeep

Please consider.

Possible Neighbourhood complaints about increased traffic and noise:

  • An increase in visitors to the Edible Exchange might lead to increased traffic congestion and parking issues in the surrounding areas. This could inconvenience the nearby residents and businesses.
  • The constant flow of people visiting the exchange could cause an increase in noise levels, especially if people see it during the early morning or late evening hours. This might disturb the peace of the neighbourhood.

Possible solutions to these issues include:

  • We establish clear guidelines for visitors, such as designated quiet hours, to minimise noise disturbances.
  • We are implementing parking restrictions or working with the local council to provide adequate parking facilities to avoid congestion.

“Building” on Australian Local Council-owned land issues:

  • Obtaining permission: Before setting up an Edible Exchange on council-owned land, permission must be sought from the local council. This might involve submitting a proposal and meeting the council’s specific requirements or regulations.
  • Safety and cleanliness: The council may have concerns about the safety and cleanliness of the exchange, especially regarding food safety and hygiene. Ensuring the exchange complies with local health and safety regulations is crucial to address these concerns.
  • Liability and insurance: The local council might require the organisers of the Edible Exchange to obtain liability insurance or sign a waiver of liability to protect the council board from any potential claims arising from accidents or incidents on the premises.
  • Maintenance and upkeep: The local council may require the organisers to maintain the area regularly and ensure it is kept clean, safe, and visually appealing to avoid negative impacts on the surrounding neighbourhood.

Working closely with the local council and addressing their concerns can help mitigate these issues and ensure the smooth operation of the Edible Exchange on council-owned land.

You will find the location of your Local Edible Exchange listed on your Postcode Community page. The location is only shown to approved members of that Postcode Community. We do not publish the location to the wider community. Something Eatons Hills Edible exchange has unfoundedly accused us of. We take privacy more seriously than Facebook.