My Place Australia

My Place Australia


The goal for “‘My Place’, is to implement a project that allows us to step away from the current systems that are not serving our best interests.

As we all come together and share our skills, knowledge and support, we can gradually build the individual sectors where the services can be accessed by all.

“Rather than fighting the old, we walk away & create the new”. This now creates an opportunity for all of us to be actively involved in creating our future.

(as per their FB pages 2/2/2023)

Is the tradeshack the same as


NOT MY PLACE at all.

My Place has a political and common law foundation. This is exactly the opposite of the Trade Shack. The Trade Shack is non-political, and we do not get involved in common law or any other type of law. We are impartial. 

We focus on self-sufficiency, creating independence from within your own backyard or lounge chair. In doing so you reduce the dependency on Government, long supply chains and other (far removed) parties, resulting in local trade and support systems that you as a Postcode Community own and maintain. 

Implement a project

We at the Trade Shack have looked at several initiatives and worked on many more, either in the background or more at the forefront since 2019. Because of that, we saw many succeed and, unfortunately, fail. 

The main reason for failure was always “taking on the system” or “stepping away from the system”. As My Place states on its Facebook page is exactly what they want to do. Taking on the system is guaranteed to fail. It is what the system wants so it can show its real power. “Stepping away from the system”, is just another way of taking on the system. 

The Postcode Communities are set up to keep using the current system and build parallel systems within it. The Trade Shack provides the Postcode Communities with the tools to make it easier to do just that, starting with the food trade and reducing the supply chain. The shorter the chain, the less control can be applied to it by the Government. 

We work with other initiatives across Australia to expand and build upon their native strengths. For example, we only address food and local trade at the Trade Shack. Health and medical are addressed by one of our sister initiatives. The Trade Shack recognises we are not the answer to all, something My Place Facebook Groups might need to recognise.

the difference compared to


The major difference between the Trade Shack and My Place Australia is that the Trade Shack is set up to be fluent, consistent, non-political, non-egocentric, and, above all, focused on your ability to “survive”.


We look at what our members could face as challenges and adjust the tools to help with those challenges. It is members for members. Together we react to political and environmental changes, creating parallel solutions instead of resisting and fighting the changes—something My Place cannot do due to its high dependency on Google, Facebook and overseas hosting.

We are like water, fluent and refreshing.

We are non-political

We do not care what political party is in charge. We know they all have the same objective, which will be around for a while. They will not listen or care about YOU as a person or part of a Postcode Community. Political leaders are not there to solve your problems. They are not coming to help you, non of the Trade Shack founders have political aspirations, unlike My Place. Joining a political party generally only changes outcomes for the person who joins, not for those who put the person there.   

We leave all the protesting, picket fences, blockades, and common law stuff to other websites and movements. The Trade Shack lacks expertise in politics, common law or how to organise protests. It is NOT in our charter.  The Trade Shack does not want anything to do with that. 

The Trade Shack is a tool for solutions that avoid constriction by political and environmental constraints. We do not rely on products or solutions from data mining (collecting your private data and selling it to the highest bidder) My Place Australia unfortunately does—the maps we build using open source, not GOOGLe (like My Place does). Communication happens on our OWN server and not on Fakebook like My Place Australia is. 

Our server is our own, with no sharing, and it is in Australia, keeping Australians employed and revenue local. We practice what we preach. My Place Australia website is on a shared host located in America (New York).  They do not own it, which can be turned off or taken away without their consent. 

The Trade Shack is more Australian than My Place Australia because all the tools provided are Australian hosted, built and maintained by Australians. Not Canadians or Americans.

If there is no dependency on the government or long supply chains, then changes or enforcements placed upon you are irrelevant. 

My Place wants to step away from systems that does not serving best interests, in doing so relying heavily on companies that fully support that system.

"Creating the new" using Google Maps, Facebook and OS hosts that all make money by selling visitors and members data might not be the best "foundation" for that new.

My Place FB Groups verus


So what are My Place Facebook Groups, and what are Postcode Communities? 

If you only look at communication and discussions then both are the same. Both will do that. There is a big difference in that the Postcode Community forums are private and secure and we do not spy on your discussion as Facebook does. We do not sensor your discussion. What you want to discuss is between you and your postcode community members. 

On top of that we offer way more functionality than Facebook groups, our postcode community pages are structured in: 

  • Section for trade
  • Section for where to find like-minded
  • Section Growers
  • Section for Business Directory
  • Section for Seed Exchange
  • Section for Community announcements and discussions
  • Section for homesteader trading

As you can see completely focused on self-sufficiency which leads to parallel systems instead of turning off or battling the existing ones.

The core difference 

The Trade Shack

  • No third-party web hosting. We own the server all the network traffic is encrypted and protected with your privacy in mind. 
  • No third-party messaging or discussion applications. We all own it and keep it secure. We control the history and the future of the data.
  • One place for all information organised by Postcode Communities.
  • Postcode Community privacy. Only approved members have and can join. Often validated offline by existing member introduction. 
  • No BOTS or false actors. Only those who are known are given access.
  • Independence of Postcode Communities via self-sufficiency.
  • Promoting offline over online.
  • You are in charge. We support and give guidance we do not request or expect.

My Place Australia

  • Shared hosting in America, instead of paying Australians
  • Using Google Maps, instead of owning the data.
  • No control over the security and privacy of membership data, due to the use of Facebook
  • Facebook-driven groups are open to data censoring or, worse user social credit profiling.
  • No tools provided, as in discussion forums, trade, business directory, seed trade or messaging.
  • No control or ownership on user data security. 

Like so many others My Place Australia is searching to find its feed, and the Trade Shack is no different. The Trade Shack introduced a grouping of initiatives by Postcode Communities and that has caught on as a wildfire. 

We still think it is the best way forward that is why we introduced the postcode communities process in ANCOP which was copied by TAP and many others. 

At the end of the day, it does not matter who does what and how. It is what YOU as a person are comfortable with. If you are on Facebook then most likely you will use My Place Australia Facebook groups because it is easy and you are not concerned about your privacy.