Let's talk about Natural Antibiotics.
First off, I am NOT a health professional. What is written here is purely for entertainment value ;-). I put that here because there is no Antibiotic for stupidity.
Nature provides us with a LOT of good stuff, but there might be situations where you get stuck, and have no access to nature. In that scenario just get yourself some fish antibiotics, it is safe to use (remember the disclaimer above) and you do not need a preseription. Just keep in mind overuse of chemical antibiotics will come back and “bite” you. Keep that in mind.
List of Natural Antibiotics.
So an antibiotic is a drug that destroys or inhibits microorganisms, you have the chemical ones you get a prescription for and you have the ones in nature (much better), which are safe for even long-term use. Most likely you use them already in your day-to-day meals.
So what are they:

Echinacea is the most popular herb in the United States for the past two centuries. The importance of this herb started declining after the development of modern antibiotics. But, now it’s again the trend of natural healing products to save ourselves from the side effects of various drugs. Many studies and researchers had proven the effectiveness of Echinacea against bacteria. It is also an immunostimulant (boosts immunity). Unlike conventional antibiotic drugs, Echinacea kills bacteria directly by killing the germs by strengthening your immune system. The active ingredient used for medicines is called echinacoside, and it is a natural antibiotic, as well as being disinfectant, antifungal and one of the best antiviral herbs.

Garlic extracts are also potent antibiotic agents that help in treating various ailments. The cloves of Garlic contain two different compounds called alliin and alliinase. These two components when crushed form a third compound that is unstable and is active only for a few hours. The third and active part is called Allicin. This allicin in garlic is responsible for the natural antibiotic activity of the garlic. This allicin in garlic is responsible for the natural antibiotic activity of the garlic. So, if we ingest the garlic in raw form, it will act against various microbes in our digestive tract. But, we should consume them in the natural state as cooking the garlic results in destroying the Allicin making it useless. So, prefer eating slightly roasted or raw garlic at least once a day.

Most people don’t prefer garlic due to its harsh odour. But, there is always a better alternative that you love. Yes! Onions are more pleasant and tasty even in the raw state. Both garlic and onions have similar antibiotic properties, but garlic is a bit more potent than that Onions. So, if you are allergic to garlic or if you don’t like to have garlic, add this onion to your diet. An active compound called alkenyl cysteine sulphoxides (ACSOs) present in the onions is responsible for the Natural Antibiotic activity.

Honey is the oldest known antibiotic food. It is one of the best foods that have a long shelf life. Honey is widely used as a natural antimicrobial agent. This property of honey is due to the presence of hydrogen peroxide and sugar. Besides, these two, the low PH levels of honey results in drying up the microbial cell which leads to the death of microbes. All these reasons make the Honey best of all Natural Antibiotics. So, Use honey both externally and internally to treat various ailments.

Oregano is a culinary herb with many medicinal properties. It is a part of our cooking for many years. The oregano possesses some natural antibacterial properties besides many medicinal properties. The essential oil present in the oregano contains an active compound called carvacrol. This carvacrol is capable of treating various fungal infections on your skin. To get the This carvacrol is capable of treating various fungal infections on your skin. To get the antifungal effects of oregano, mix carvacrol oil with few drops of water and apply on the affected area. So, to prevent microbes in your home, you can use cleaning detergent made from oregano oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most potent Natural antibiotics. The antimicrobial action of the ACV is due to the presence of Malic acid. Malic acid is known to possess antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Besides these properties, there are several health benefits of having ACV regularly. So, Add Apple cider vinegar to your salads and get the best benefits of ACV.
Cinnamon is the one best spice which tastes excellent. You can eat this as such or can just sprinkle half a tablespoon full of powder on your breakfast recipes. Cinnamon is a natural antibiotic and also lower the blood sugar levels. When you mix cinnamon and honey, its potency will be increased. Honey and cinnamon make for a powerful combo for fighting infections. Few people will be allergic to cinnamon. So, if you notice any such allergies avoid it and try any other natural Antibiotics.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is widely used for cooking and in beauty treatments. It is tough to list all the ailments that coconut oil can cure or treat. Due to the presence of Lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid the coconut oil possess antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. This fatty acid destroys the lipid coating of the microbes and destroys them. Also, In addition to this, coconut oil also possess antioxidant properties that boost our immune system. So, cook your food with coconut oil which has very low-fat content.

Turmeric is far more than a culinary from ancient times. In the olden days, to stop bleeding and to heal wounds faster. Turmeric, when taken internally or externally, can act against microbes and help in the prevention of sepsis, and infections in wounds. In addition to disinfecting and preventing infection, turmeric also contributes to stopping pain and swelling while promoting the healing of damaged skin tissue. It has also been traditionally used in India for cosmetic purposes, for clearing up blemishes as well as giving a natural glow and radiance to the skin. It is also the best herbal antimicrobial supplement you can give to your body.
Ginger is one of the best spices that you can have regularly. Besides being a Natural antibiotic, it has various therapeutic properties that help in healing indigestion, treating cough, etc. Ginger consists of phenols and gingerols which act against microbes by denaturing proteins and destabilizing cell membranes. So, eat ginger regularly for all the above reasons. Ginger also helps in treating food poisoning. So, the best way to add this to your routine is to consume the fresh ginger by adding it to your smoothies.
The cabbage is a vegetable rich in sulfur. Not just cabbage but all cruciferous family vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, etc. are rich in sulfur compounds. Also, the cabbage contains high quantities of vitamin C which is potent against microbes. Do you know that One cup of cabbage provides nearly 75% vitamin C which you need every day? So, have cabbage regularly in your diet.