Plant of the day: Borage 2

The borage herb is an old-fashioned plant that can get up to 2 feet (61 cm.) tall, or more. It is native to the Middle East and has an ancient history in war as an enhancement for bravery and courage. Growing borage provides the gardener with cucumber-flavoured leaves for tea and other beverages as well as bright, starry blue flowers for decorating salads. All parts of the plant, except the roots, are flavorful and have culinary or medicinal uses.

Planting borage with strawberries attracts bees and increases the yield of fruit. the borage flower is often used as a garnish. Traditionally the borage plant was used to treat many ailments, from jaundice to kidney problems. the seeds are a source of linolenic acid. Borage flowers are also used in potpourris or candied for use in confections.

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