Russian scientists forecast cooling, thicker ice over coming years

Cap Allon
Wed, 19 Oct 2022 16:13 UTC

Russian scientists, in the relevant fields, have long predicted cooling due to low solar activity. Russia knows where global temperatures are headed. It could be argued that their recent geopolitical maneuverings are tied to this.

The Sun defines the climate, not carbon dioxide,” so says eminent Russian space scientist, Habibullo Abdussamatov (Dr. Sc. – Head of Space research laboratory of the Pulkovo Observatory).

Observations of the Sun show that carbon dioxide is “not guilty” for the steady increase in temperature observed over the past few decades, he continues, and that what lies ahead in the coming years is not warming but a global and very prolonged bout of cooling.

“We should fear a deep temperature drop — not catastrophic global warming,” warns Abdussamatov, who was one of the researchers featured in the 2009 U.S. Senate Report of More Than 700 Dissenting Scientists Over Man-Made Global Warming.

“Humanity must survive the serious economic, social, demographic and political consequences of a global temperature drop, which will directly affect the national interests of almost all countries and more than 80% of the population of the Earth.”

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Although the most prominent, Abdussamatov is far from the only Russian scientist forecasting cooling.

Alexander Makarov, director of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, told reporters this week that lower air temperatures and much larger volumes of ice are expected in the Arctic over the coming years.

“According to certain estimations, before 2050, ice in the Arctic will remain 100%,” he said. “Moreover, the forecasts say we are entering a stage of certain chilling, which is related to the 70-year chilling-warming cycle. In fact, within a few years, the situation along the Northern Sea Route will change rather substantially.”

Answering claims of so-called ‘catastrophic anthropogenic global warming’, Makarov points out that ice conditions are not changing as unambiguously as the models foretold, noting that there is no linear decrease in ice.

“This year, at the end of August, we saw more ice in the Chukchi Sea — to the highest levels in over 20 years,” added Makarov.


Across Europe, governments are scrambling to prevent blackouts this winter. But success will largely be determined by the weather.

Western analysts say Putin is hoping for a cold winter after cutting Russian gas exports to Europe.

Another cold season, like that suffered in 2010/2011 or something akin to 2018’s “Beast from the East”, would likely result in untold hardships that could weaken EU resolve in Ukraine.

Europeans will go through the worst of it this winter,” said Eliot A. Cohen, a war historian and security expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.

In recent months, nations have slashed their gas consumption in order to save supplies for winter. Europe has been racing to fill up its strategic reserves, buying in extra supplies at record prices from the likes of Algeria, Qatar, Norway, and the United States.

The measures have worked. As it stands, EU stocks are at around 90% capacity: “Europe is well-placed to go through the winter under normal weather conditions,” said Alireza Nahvi, a research associate at Wood Mackenzie.

Seasonal weather forecasts have become unusually important.

Europe’s Copernicus Climate Change Service says it’s still too early to make confident predictions re. the upcoming winter; in the same breath, though, the service adds that initial indications suggest that it will be warm overall. It must be noted, however: this government-funded agency uses data from the likes of the ‘warm-mongering’ UK Met Office and Météo-France, meaning anything it says should be taken with a handful of salt. Much like USDA crop reports, the aim of this Copernicus is to settle markets and push an agenda, not to roil them with unwanted realities.

To conclude, a winter with average temperatures combined with a gas reduction of 9% should see Europe make it through the winter months without any major disruptions, so says the International Energy Agency (IEA), a consultancy financed by Western nations, who recently ran the numbers.

However, if the continent suffers a winter that is colder-than-average, even slightly, that will put immense pressure on the gas system,” cautions Gergely Molnar, an IEA gas analyst, with brownouts/blackouts during the coldest stretches of the year likely.


As predicted — nailed a week ago by the GFS — a truly fierce Arctic outbreak has gripped much of the United States.

And while the AGW Party and their MSM lapdogs point to the pocket of heat in the Northwest and declare a ‘cLiMaTe EmErGeNcY’, the fact remains that a bout of record-breaking, unprecedented cold is sweeping two-thirds of the CONUS.

Over the past 24 hours alone, hundreds of low-temperature benchmarks have been busted:

usa movieday 16

Rather than evidence of CO2-induced ‘cLiMaTe ChAnGe’, however, North America’s current setup demonstrates a low solar activity-induced weakening of the jet stream — from its straight ZONAL flow to a wavy MERIDIONAL one:

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Swings between extremes‘ become the predominant feature during bouts of reduced solar output, with your ‘extreme’ determined by which ‘side’ of the jet stream you’re on: If you’re located ‘above’ the JS, you’re on for record-challenging cold dragged down from the Arctic, whereas if you’re ‘under’ it, you’re set for anomalous heat pulled up from the tropics (in the NH).

What alarmists call ‘cLiMaTe ChAnGe’ can be fully explained by this mechanism — a wavy jet stream exaggerated by low solar activity:

Z vs M 1

This setup will be the driving force of America’s weather next week, too.

Looking at the latest GFS run, the Northwest’s anomalous heat is about to ‘swing’ to record-challenging cold, cold that will also extend to central and eastern regions of the CONUS as the month progresses and Halloween nears.

The early-season snow totals are just as impressive, with feet forecast for states such as Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado.

Winter is here for many.

I hope you heeded the warnings and prepared.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activitycloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).

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