Water tank cleaning services are a growing business, as rainwater tanks have become increasingly popular in recent years, as more people are looking for sustainable ways to reduce their reliance on local (SEQ Water) water supplies. The town where life is on “bore” has run out of town water a few times now in the last few years. Most rural/residential properties are on tank water, but we see a trend across the country that those on town water are installing tanks.
While rainwater is a great source of fresh water, it’s important to ensure your tank is clean and well-maintained to avoid health risks. Something that is easily forgotten, so let us look at why you should consider investing in professional water tank cleaning services.
Why cleaning?
If you can look into your tank, you be surprised how much rubbish is in it. I have a concrete water tank, it is an inground one, and occasionally, I shine a torch in it to see how full the tank is. There is about a layer of 5cm on the bottom with rubbish. Just black stuff that is decaying there. Once, we had a cane toad in the tank who died. We could smell the sting throughout the water, which prompted us to look in the tank.
Accumulation of dirt and debris: Over time, rainwater tanks can accumulate dirt, leaves, twigs, and other debris. This buildup can affect the quality of the water and make it less suitable for household use.
Growth of bacteria and microorganisms: Bacteria and other microorganisms can grow in the tank, leading to waterborne diseases. Professional cleaning services can help to remove these harmful contaminants.
Algae growth: Algae can grow in the tank, leading to unpleasant tastes and odours in the water. Cleaning the tank can help to prevent algae growth and improve the quality of the water.
Chemical and pollutant contamination: Chemicals and pollutants can be introduced into the tank through runoff or other means, leading to water contamination. Regular cleaning can help to remove these harmful substances.
Reduced tank capacity: The buildup of sediment and other material in the tank can reduce the tank’s capacity, reducing the amount of water it can hold. Cleaning the tank can help to restore its full capacity.
Possible Contamination
Bird droppings and other animal waste: Bird droppings and other animal waste can introduce harmful bacteria and other contaminants into the tank.
Chemicals and pollutants: Chemicals and pollutants from nearby industrial or agricultural sources can find their way into the tank, leading to water contamination.
Debris from gutters and downspouts: Leaves, twigs, and other debris accumulating in gutters and downspouts can be carried into the tank by rainwater, leading to contamination.
Insects and small animals: Insects and other small animals can enter the tank, introducing harmful contaminants.
Poorly maintained filtration systems: Filtration systems that are not properly maintained or installed can fail to remove contaminants, leading to potential health risks.

Health Concerns
I will not discuss the “alleged” chemtrails theories that some people tend to spread around, but some real health concerns can arise from drinking rainwater. I list a few to consider. This is by no means the extensive list. It is a generalisation.
Waterborne illnesses: Rainwater can be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can cause illnesses like diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid fever.
Chemical contamination: Rainwater may contain chemical contaminants like pesticides, fertilisers, or heavy metals, which can cause health problems if ingested over time.
Algae growth: Algae growth in the tank can lead to unpleasant tastes and odours in the water.
Mosquito-borne illnesses: If the tank is not maintained correctly, it may harbour mosquito larvae, which can transmit diseases like malaria and dengue fever.
Only complete filtration or treatment: If the tank is properly filtered or treated, it may not remove all contaminants, leading to potential health risks for those who use the water.
Water tank cleaning services are they worth the money?
You know I am “sitting on the fence” for this one. I have been on tank water for 19-plus years and have not cleaned the tank. My tank is an inground concrete tank of about 44 thousand litres. Sure, there is a settlement in the bottom, and that gets stirred up when the tank is almost empty, and we are getting rain. But I have not seen the need for cleaning it.
I have filters between the tank and the house, a big all-house filter and some filters under the tap. The all-house filter is filtering the nasty stuff out. First, it goes through a washable filter, which is 10 microns, then a 5-micron fibre filter. I replace them approx once a year if I remember. Generally, when the water pressure in the shower gets a bit low, I check it out.
Then under the sink, we have other filters. These are connected to the sink’s drinking water tap and the fridge’s cold water tap. The filters are your usual 1 micron, a filter to remove the smell and taste and a filter to “kill” the bugs. It served me well, and I most likely will use the same setup in my new place, as I do not trust town water that much.